
What Is Hypnotherapy?

smiling woman with eyes closed

Most forms of therapy primarily engage the pre-frontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for conscious or cognitive thinking. And while there are certainly benefits to this kind of treatment, since it can help you challenge and reframe negative thought patterns, the truth is that the majority of emotional pain is stored in the deeper, subconscious regions of the mind. 

Clinical hypnotherapy, otherwise known as clinical hypnosis, is a form of treatment that works directly with these subconscious regions. It allows for deeper insight and fuller healing than standard cognitive therapies, enabling clients to connect with parts of themselves that have been buried their whole lives and get in touch with their true spiritual essence. It is a safe, supportive, and transformative process that has the power to shift the way people engage with the world.

man smiling looking up

How Safe And Effective Is Hypnotherapy?

Those unfamiliar with hypnosis often imagine that it requires losing full control of yourself. They imagine being told to do things in a powerless state, as if they have no agency over their own decisions. This is not the case. When hypnosis is done in a professional therapeutic context, clients have complete control over their actions and decisions.

Despite the skepticism many people have about hypnosis, its effectiveness in therapy has been scientifically validated time and time again. Studies have shown that hypnosis can successfully treat depression (1), help people improve their sleep habits (2), and even enhance the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) (3). So it’s no wonder that hypnotherapy continues to grow in popularity among clinicians all over the world.

In my practice, I use hypnotherapy to help people suffering from anxiety, depression, trauma, complex PTSD, and many other mental health challenges. I integrate this approach as a component of spiritual work, shamanic work, and past life regressions and progressions. I’ve heard many of my clients tell me that hypnotherapy provided the relief that they couldn’t find through more conventional approaches to therapy, which is why I’m so passionate about incorporating it into my practice.

How Does Hypnotherapy Work?

smiling woman

After you and I have established trust and rapport, we will begin the induction phase of hypnotherapy, which is all about helping you ease into a trance-like state where you can interact with your subconscious. We can use music, guided meditation, and eye fixation to help you get into a state of hypnosis. While you enter the hypnotized state, you will still have awareness of your own decisions and I will make sure the whole process is done at your own pace and comfort level. 

There are many different techniques I can use to help you throughout the induction phase. For instance, I may count down from ten to one while you fixate your eyes on a particular object or sensation. Or I may have you engage in repetitive tapping exercises while you try to channel your awareness toward the deepest parts of yourself. 

The goal is for your awareness to flow down to the source of your emotions, whether that means sadness, fear, anger, or even joy. After all, the first step in the healing journey is emotional identification. Once you are able to accurately identify your emotions and locate where they show up in the body, managing those emotions becomes much easier. You have to feel the full depth of your emotions, and that’s what hypnotherapy is all about.

How Can Hypnotherapy Practically Benefit Your Life?

As humans, we are deeply spiritual beings—we yearn to connect with something higher than ourselves. Yet in modern times, we have largely lost this sense of spiritual connection. Our increasingly materialistic world, with its emphasis on wealth, success, and fame, has alienated us from our true spiritual roots. 

The beauty of hypnotherapy is that it can help us reconnect with those roots. It allows for awareness into the subconscious mind, which is where our deepest longings, desires, fears, and values reside. We can become aware of problems we didn’t even know were there and get in touch with parts of ourselves that have been hidden by trauma. 

On a practical level, hypnosis can help us improve our confidence, reduce our anxiety, resolve symptoms of PTSD, and break out of avoidance behaviors that are holding us back in life. In short, hypnosis in a therapeutic context can be truly life-changing, deepening our lives in a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual context.

Reconnect With Your Deepest Spiritual Essence
Through Hypnotherapy

As a hypnotherapist with advanced training, I have developed my own unique process of using this approach in my work with clients. I continually receive positive feedback from people about how hypnosis has made them feel better, and I want you to experience the same thing. 

To learn more about the transformation that’s possible through hypnosis, email me, text me at 734-536-2444, or use the contact page.

  1. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00029157.2018.1489777 

  2. https://jcsm.aasm.org/doi/10.5664/jcsm.6952 

  3. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00207144.2021.1877549

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Hypnotherapy in Plymouth, MI

340 N Main St Suite 306
Plymouth, Michigan 48170